Friday, May 24, 2013



"One biblical principle of justice is that the more knowledge we have that our action is wrong, the more guilty we are, and the more deserving of punishment (Luke 12:47–48). The point of this blog post is that we know what we are doing — all America knows. We are killing children. Pro-choice and Pro-life people both know this." 
                                                                                                    ~John Piper

You might find it interesting to read Piper's blog below in its entirety.  

Let it not merely move us to frustration and anger, but rather to resolve and action.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

BOMBS and ABORTION...what's the connection?

         IDEOLOGY vs HUMANITY   

Following the Boston Marathon bombing, a terror expert made a comment in his attempt to explain the craziness. He explained that, when an ideology becomes so extreme that it outweighs a sense of humanity, a person is capable of such atrocities.

The ideology of abortion says that a woman has rights over her body and reproductive choices, meaning that she can terminate a pregnancy and end the life of her unborn child at her discretion.  It is preached as a higher moral right than that of the unborn child’s right to life.  

While such an ideology permeates society and is supported by governments anything is possible…enter Kermit Gosnell.

Okay, so that’s as political as I can get!  I will gladly let other strong voices fight that worthy, God honoring battle.  

My heart is for confused, frightened, young women who step inside the doors of Gateway looking for a quick solution.  At Gateway, we lovingly and patiently work to undo the thinking of this culture, which says that abortion is an easy solution to an unwanted pregnancy. 

Amidst the ugliness of abortion I want you to be encouraged and know that many women who were determined to end their pregnancies are choosing life for their unborn babies as a result of coming to Gateway.  

Keep praying for strength, perseverance, wisdom and energy for our staff and volunteers who do an amazing job, day in and day out, of rescuing women and babies from the ugliness of abortion…it’s our marathon.  

                                                                                                          ~ Wendy Banister

Friday, May 3, 2013

Oprah on Fatherlessness - Guess who she's talking to!?!

"What if America's sons didn't have to grow up without their fathers? What difference could it make? It's a problem that's been going on for too long and at too great a cost. And it's time to talk about it."  

This Sunday, Roland Warren will appear on Oprah's Lifeclass to discuss "Fatherless Sons" and the issue of fatherhood in our nation. Roland was President of the National Fatherhood Initiative (NFI) before joining Care Net as President and CEO in October 2012. LifeCare is an affiliate of Care Net, a national network of pregnancy centers. LifeCare has also worked with the National Fatherhood Initiative to provide services for expecting fathers.

Social science research suggests father absence is linked to an increased likelihood of teen pregnancy and we also know that the father of the baby plays a huge role in a woman's decision to carry or abort. This is why Gateway seeks to serve men in addition to women.
Tune in Sunday evening at 9/8c on OWN TV!